Dear third graders students this 12th week. We are going to learn about the lockdown and its impact on our family.
children and young people entered lockdown in already challenging home
environments. These challenging circumstances will likely have been amplified
by families being quarantined at home together. Others will have faced these
challenging experiences for the first time.
Remember to complete all your activities from "Learning at home" platform according to that your level belongs to.
Pre-A1: Name 2 actions you do and 2 actions you don't do to prevent Covid-19. Use the vocabulary about body parts.
A1: Name 2 actions you do and 2 actions you don't do at home to protect from Covid-19.
A2: According to you, which actions you love doing and which ones you dislike doing during this lockdown? Why?
A2+: What did you do from the beginning of this lockdown at home until last month? 50 words minimum.