Dear third graders students this sixth week you are going to learn more about Peruvian superfoods. For example: Where are they from? When are they in season? What food group do they belong to? And how to elaborate on a menu healthy plan?
For these reasons, I invite you to watch this interesting video about our topic.
After doing all the activities from the "Learning at home" platform, please answer the questions according to your level belong to.
You can answer the questions in English or Spanish.
You should use a bilingual dictionary online to check new vocabulary. (PRE-A1 / A1)
๐ PRE-A1:¿Quรฉ dificultades tuviste al elaborar tu post sobre un super alimento Peruano?
PRE-A1: ¿Quรฉ super alimento Peruano recomendarias?¿Por quรฉ?
๐ A1: What difficulties did you have to create your own brochure about three Peruvian superfoods?
A1: What superfood from Peru would you recommend? Why?
๐ A2: What difficulties did you have to create your own healthy daily meal plan or menu?
A2: What would you recommend Fernando and Lisa eat for a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
๐ A2+: What difficulties did you have to create your own post for a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
A2+:What would you recommend to the world as a Peruvian foodie? What would you use as a #hashtag?
"Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments."
Bethenny Frankel